Start your small–scale portfolio webpage, family photo gallery or personal blog site with just a click of your mouse using this basic web hosting pack. Receive an absolutely free domain name and also a full set of options for your personal website. 99.9% server uptime and 30–day money–back guarantees are available on top of that.
Beginner Package
Beginner hosting at
$3.00/mo.Take a look at our hosting platform with a 30-day completely free trial period. No payment required.
Website Installer
Publish your brand–new site with a mouse click
Creating a brand–new web site in general is a difficult and pricey procedure. But we, at Midas 1 Hosting, did all the tough job on your behalf – now you can set up your web site using a ready–to–use web site template with one click of the mouse. It is very simple – just choose the type of your brand new web site – personal or business, and pick a design that you like. Our platform will cope with all the rest and will send you the login credentials so that you can begin working on your website without delay.
Free Templates
More than one hundred charge–free Joomla™ and WordPress themes to select from
It is possible to download a Wordpress or Joomla™ template with just a click from your Web Site Control Panel. There is no need to visit any 3rd party websites for top–quality web design templates. We have a large selection for you readily incorporated into your hosting account. All you need to do is pick the site theme of your liking and then push the Download button. All themes are completely free for you.
24x7 Support
Contact us around the clock
You can contact us twenty–four–seven with any questions that you might have regarding our website hosting solutions. You may touch base with us by email and through the ticket system and we will get back to you within maximum 60 min. In fact, our average response time is less than twenty minutes. Additionally, you can ring us up or use live chat during business hours.
Data Backups
Your web site content can be restored anytime
Not a single web site is immunized against hacker attacks. Your web site may be affected even by accidental website content deletion on your end. Still when using our data backup service, we can recover all your website content whenever you want. Apart from the day–to–day server backups that we are performing, you can yourself make manual back–up copies of your web site content with a click of the mouse using the File Manager, which is accessibly located in your Web Site Control Panel. Just create a ZIP archive of the file(s) you want to manually back up and place it in a location of your preference.
Website Builder
Save cash on a web designer – create your own site with a click
Save some cash on money–consuming web design services – we offer you all the tools that you need to perform the job on your own. Using our useful Free Web Site Creating Application, you can create a whole web site with one mouse click using one of the offered ready–made design layouts. Then just incorporate the custom content. We offer more than 100 web design themes for both business and personal web sites showcasing different colour combinations.
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Service guarantees
- Midas 1 Hosting’s packages include zero set up charges plus a 30 day money–back guarantee. Our common reply–back time is twenty minutes.
Compare our prices
- Find out more about our rates and decide on the ideal website hosting solution for your private or business sites. You can move up to a more feature–rich bundle with a click of the mouse.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- You can get in contact with us while in business hours over the phone for any pre–sale information and facts.