Whenever you upload data on a web hosting server, it requires some space on the hard disk depending on its particular overall size. If you manage a script-driven internet site which keeps its information in a database, it will need more space, the more people make use of it. To give an example, in the event that you have a message board, the more opinions people share, the larger the database shall get. E-mail messages, particularly ones with attachments, also take some disk space in the web hosting account. The HDD space quota you get with each website hosting supplier is the amount of info you may have at any moment, and it consists of web site files, emails and databases. Likewise, a personal computer has a hard drive and the computer software installed on it along with any docs and music files that you generate or download require some disk space, which can't surpass the overall capacity of the hdd.
Disk Space in Website Hosting
All our website hosting packages were created with the concept that not enough storage space should not be something that should stop the development of your sites. That's why we have applied a technique which is more advanced than the one that most website hosting companies apply - instead of just making a range of accounts on a single server and eventually running out of disk space, we employ a cloud hosting platform where the storage space is taken care of by an entire cluster of servers. Because of this, we can always attach more machines when they're necessary and more HDDs, to be able to provide you with additional disk space for the files of our clients. Different clusters control your email messages and the databases, therefore not only will you be able to expand your web sites without having to worry about hard disk space, but also all of the servers will operate faster and better due to the fact that each service has its own storage space and an individual server does not handle various kinds of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature simply to stress that it is really unrestricted. We are able to reach that by using a modern, custom cloud hosting system, where your files, emails and databases are kept on separate clusters of servers. We are able to add extra hard drives or whole servers to any of the clusters and whenever needed, plus our web hosting Control Panel is designed to work with this kind of platform. In contrast, the vast majority of Control Panels on the website hosting market can work only on one server, and regardless of what lots of companies promote, they really create multiple accounts on just a single machine. Using a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you will never have to worry about disk storage restrictions and you are able to concentrate on expanding your websites.
Disk Space in VPS Hosting
For all our Linux VPS hosting, we offer plenty of disk storage for your content that suits all of the other server characteristics, thus a better package has a bigger quota. You can use the space as you see fit, because there're no pre-defined quotas for your web site files, databases or emails - they all share the total disk space on your server. Of course, if you would like to have some restrictions, you are able to obtain your VPS plan with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, then you will be able to make website hosting accounts with a fixed amount of hdd storage for each domain name that you host on your server. If you want additional storage at some point, you can effortlessly update your package with several mouse-clicks and then the extra features will be included with your existing account, so that you will not need to migrate anything at all and all your sites will stay operational.
Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting
With all the hdd storage space that we provide with all our Linux dedicated web hosting, we guarantee that you can operate any kind of site whatever its size. You will get no less than 500 GB storage space, which you can take advantage of as you see fit - even for private file storage. By default, you'll get two hard disks, that can be employed independently, to use their overall storage capacity, or they can be used in RAID and one will mirror the other one in real time to make sure that you'll not lose valuable info in the event of a hardware failure. We also give you the opportunity to include extra disks to increase the total hard disk space available even further. This makes it possible for you to create a file or image depository portal without a problem if you'd like. When using the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we offer, you are able to create a separate account for each and every website that you host on your server and pre-set a quota for the disk space it'll be allowed to use. If you get the 3rd option, our tailor-made Hepsia Control Panel, all your domain names will be managed in one place and they will share the total server HDD storage.