Locating the best design and style for a web site is usually a challenging task. You need to look at template websites and leaf through 1000s of very similar designs in order to find the one that suits you the best. We’ve attempted to find a solution for you by incorporating a collection of bonus web themes in our Web Site Control Panel, that can be obtained together with our cloud hosting plans. It has over 800 distinctive site themes to select from. Many of them are meant for our website hosting services solely and aren’t available elsewhere. Each one theme comes along with auto set up and could be custom–made the way you like.

So, with us you can get a fresh, distinctive as well as 100% customizable web site within a few mouse clicks.

800+ Bonus Web Themes

100% customizable. Automated Setting up

To save you time when choosing the right appearance for your site, we’ve crafted a array of more than 800 bonus web themes within the Midas 1 Hosting Control Panel. The designs are meant to handle numerous topics and needs – you will discover styles for both private sites such as blogs or portfolios and also company sites or online stores.

All of our bonus web themes are accessible with both the Web Apps and also our Simple Site Installer. This means that you are able to deploy the theme you wish on a brand–new website in seconds.

Free Website Themes

Bonus Web app Web Themes

Find bonus web themes for your upcoming web app

If you are planning to have a Joomla site or possibly set up a new Wordpress blog, there’s a simple solution available. Using the Web Apps, you can actually opt for a bonus web theme when establishing your website. The smart system is going to install the theme for you and as soon as your web site will go live, it’s going to showcase the site theme you have chosen.

Midas 1 Hosting’s bonus web themes are not available to just Joomla or WordPress. We have bonus web themes for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

Bonus Site Builder Web Themes

100+ thoroughly simple to customize bonus web themes

If you want to develop your personal site and save money on website development, you’ll be able to make the most of Midas 1 Hosting’s Free Web Site Creating Application. It’s a theme–structured site builder that requires simply no HTML or CSS comprehension from you, and is also accessible for no cost with every one of our cloud hosting plans.

The tool offers more than 100 special styles and designs, that you can 100% customize to your taste. As these bonus web themes are meant just for the site builder, there is no doubt that after you make your web site, it’ll be completely unique.

Free Site Builder Themes